New partnership with the search engine LILO

January 13, 2020 | News

You can now support the Foundation for free just with your clicks!

The Rare Diseases Foundation is honored to join the community of projects supported by LILO, a French search engine that allows you to finance social and environmental projects for free. Without changing your habits, but by using the Lilo search engine, you will generate "drops of water" which represent an amount that will be donated to the Foundation. 1 search = 1 drop of water.
The money linked to this drop of water comes from the advertising revenues that are displayed on the search engine. For more information, click here

How do I do it? It is very simple:

1- Download the application from this link :
Installing Lilo on the browser allows you to search directly from the address bar of your browser as it is the case with Google!
2- Use this engine to do your searches (A search = 1 drop of water)
3- On the top right, a number indicates the number of drops you have generated. Click on the drop and select the project of the Rare Diseases Foundation.
If you do not see the drop on the top right of your menu, click here.

What is the value of a search or 1 drop of water?
The income of the projects is calculated in relation to the real income of the search engine and is distributed among all the projects in proportion to the drops of water invested. The more water drops you generate, the more income you will get. A person who uses Lilo for 1 year, generates about 15€ of income. The total amount collected per project is updated daily.

If you still have doubts:
- Lilo is committed to protecting the privacy of its users and all the information about this is explained on this page.
- Lilo is committed to displaying the money collected for the projects and to paying back this amount.
- Their accounts are audited by a chartered accountant who certifies that the 50% of the turnover is paid back. You can access the certificates of payment on this page.
No commitment on your part. If you want to uninstall Lilo, you just have to go to this page. Otherwise, you can go to your settings and click on "uninstall Lilo".