Become a corporate partner

Since the health crisis, research has become a priority for a majority of French people.

Rare diseases affect 3 million people in France, 75% of whom are children. These are vulnerable families waiting for an answer, a diagnosis, or a treatment for which the Foundation For Rare Diseases has become a key player thanks to its actions in favor of research.

Thanks to the privileged ties it maintains with its corporate partners, a significant portion of the Foundation's resources comes from the generosity of its committed benefactors. These collaborations are essential not only from a financial point of view but also, and above all, for creating synergies and exchanges.

Would you like to get your company involved in supporting a great cause with the support of your employees?

There are many ways to involve your company in the fight against rare diseases. According to your DNA and your expectations, we are at your disposal to build together a solution that meets your needs.

of people are affected by rare diseases in France


of them are children

By becoming involved with the Foundation For Rare Diseases, you support research that offers results and solutions to patients and their families. By making a donation, you receive a tax receipt that entitles you to a tax reduction.

How to support the Foundation?




Whatever your means, your help is welcome!
Donations can take one of the following forms: cash, in-kind or in-kind.

Funding a scientific project


Associate your company with the funding of a Foundation award-winning research team in the field and region of your choice.

Fund a scientific conference or media


Whatever your means, your help is welcome! Donations can take one of the following forms: cash, in-kind or in-kind.

Financing a solidarity athlete


Share the adventure of committed athletes. The Foundation is fortunate to be supported by great sportsmen and women: runners, apneists... You can help them to achieve their sporting and solidarity challenge!

How to support the Foundation?



Whatever your means, your help is welcome! Donations can take one of the following forms: cash, in-kind or in-kind.

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Funding a scientific project


Associate your company with the funding of a Foundation award-winning research team in the field and region of your choice.

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Fund a scientific conference or media


Whatever your means, your help is welcome! Donations can take one of the following forms: cash, in-kind or in-kind.

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Financing a solidarity athlete


Share the adventure of committed athletes. The Foundation is fortunate to be supported by great sportsmen and women: runners, apneists... You can help them to achieve their sporting and solidarity challenge!

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How to raise funds?


A simple solution: I give between 0.1% and 0.5% of my turnover.

Choose simplicity by offering a percentage of your annual turnover to the Foundation. You can choose to allocate this donation to a specific project that has been awarded a prize by the Foundation For Rare Diseases or you can trust the Foundation to allocate this donation to an innovative and promising project.

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I organize a product-sharing

Market one of your products for the benefit of the Foundation. This project enhances the value of your brand, the employees and the consumer!

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I set up Micro-donations

Because there are no small donations, here are some innovative solutions: Rounding up at the cash register, rounding up on salary ...

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I organize a solidarity operation

Invite your employees, their families, your partners to mobilize around a sporting, culinary or artistic challenge!

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I open a participatory financing

Mobilize with ease your employees around a solidarity project by encouraging them to give. We can offer you a personalized solidarity fund.

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What are the benefits?

The Foundation For Rare Diseases, recognized as a public utility, is authorized to issue tax receipts to its donors.

As a company, by making a donation as part of a sponsorship, you benefit from an advantageous tax reduction: 60% of the amount of the donation, up to a limit of €20,000 or 5% of annual turnover excluding tax. Beyond that, the excess payment can be carried forward to the next five years.

Thus, a donation of €10,000 is actually €4,000.

There are two forms of support: patronage (support provided with little or no compensation) which implies a tax reduction and sponsorship (support provided in exchange for communication) without tax reduction.



Patronage is a donation made to the Foundation, without expecting any equivalent consideration in return. Its objective is to promote the 'institutional' image of your company and it can be assimilated to a donation for tax purposes. The patronage donation can be made in various forms:

  • Financial sponsorship (contribution of a cash amount to a structure eligible for sponsorship)
  • The patronage of skills (provision of personnel to a structure eligible for patronage, free of charge)
  • Product sponsorship (consists in offering free of charge goods registered in the fixed assets register, or goods in the stock account)
  • Technological sponsorship (technology available or used by the company is mobilized for the benefit of a beneficiary of general interest)

The donation in patronage implies a tax receipt offering the company a tax reduction at two levels:

  • For the fraction of the donation less than or equal to €2 million, the tax reduction is equal to 60% of this amount.
  • For the fraction of the donation exceeding €2 million, the tax reduction is equal to 40% of this amount

However, the tax reduction cannot exceed €20, 000 or 5 ‰ (5 per thousand) of the annual turnover excluding tax (ceiling applied to all payments made). The tax reduction is applicable to the payments made during the closed financial years (closing on each December 31).

Sponsoring is the support of one of our events or the Foundation with the aim of obtaining a profit. The Sponsor is looking for a way to advertise and therefore sponsoring is considered as an advertising service. Any sponsorship expense corresponds to a 'commercial' operation and is therefore subject to VAT.

Your contact : Pascale Milani

Communication and Philanthropy Manager