The scientific council and its thematic committees

The scientific council

Made up of leading French and international physicians and scientists, it defines the Foundation's major scientific orientations and the procedures for implementing its annual research program. It is validated by the Board of Directors for 4 years, and meets twice a year.

The Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board is Dr Jacques Beckmann, University of Lausanne.

  • Dr Alexandre BELOT, Pediatric rheumatology, Hôpital Femme Mère Enfant de Lyon, Coordinator of FAI2R, Lyon
  • Pr Christine BODEMER, Dermatology, Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, FSMR FIMARAD Coordinator, ERN Skin, Paris
  • Pr Vincent COTTIN, Pneumology, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon
  • Dr Pierre ESPINOZA, Digital Health, Georges-Pompidou European Hospital, Paris
  • Prof. Marcela GARGIULO, Psychology, Institute of Pychology, Université Paris Cité, Paris
  • Dr Emmanuelle GENIN, Population Genetics and Statistics, Head of ITMO Genomics and Bioinformatics, Brest
  • Pr Laurent GOUYA, Genetics, Inflammation Research Center, Université Paris Cité, Paris
  • Dr Laurence HARTMANN, Health Economist, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de recherches en sciences de l'action, Paris
  • Mr Alexandre HOYAU, guest, President of CMT France, representative of the Alliance Maladies Rares.
  • Pr Guillaume JONDEAU, Cardiology, Hopital Bichat, University of Paris, Coordinator FAVA-Multi, Paris
  • Pr Marie-Laure KOTTLER, Genetics, Caen University Hospital, Caen
  • Dr Sandrine MARLIN, Genetic Deafness, Necker Children's Hospital, Paris
  • Dr Cécile MARTINAT, Neuromuscular, I-Stem, Evry
  • Dr Francesc Palau MARTINEZ, Genetics, Pediatric Institute of Rare Diseases, Barcelona, Spain
  • Dr Franck MOUTON, Neurodegenerative diseases, President of France Biotech, Lyon
  • Dr Catherine NGUYEN, Genomics and Bioinformatics, AVIESAN ITMO, Paris
  • Dr. Tuan NGUYEN, Regenerative Medicine, Hepatology, Goliver Therapeutics, Nantes
  • Pr Anne-Catherine PERROY, Pharmaceutical Law and Economics, University of Lille
  • Dr Caroline POULET, Risk and adaptation to change, Laboratoire Inter-universitaire de Psychologie, Grenoble
  • Pr Vincent PROCACCIO, Genetics, mitochondrial medicine, CHU d'Angers, Angers
  • Dr Hélène PUCCIO, Translational and Neurogenetic Medicine, NeuroMyoGène Institute, Lyon
  • Mrs Maryse ROGER, guest, President of Ouvrir les Yeux, representative of Alliance Maladies Rares
  • Pr Laurent STORME, Pediatrics, Jeanne de Flandre Hospital, Lille
  • Dr Maria TEIXEIRA, Socio-anthropology, Institut la Personne en médecine, Paris
  • Pr Pierre-Louis THARAUX, Nephrology, Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, Paris
  • Dr Miikka VIKKULA, Human Genetics, Bioinformatics, Institut de Duve, Brussels, Belgium
  • Dr Laurent VILLARD, Genetics, CHU de La Timone, Aix Marseille University, Marseille


Thematic committees

The Foundation's various thematic committees are made up of expert members of the Scientific Advisory Board and experts from outside the Foundation. They meet to select applications submitted to the Foundation's calls for projects, following evaluation of each application by at least two external experts.

The selection process for funded projects

The project selection process is rigorous, with only the most promising research projects selected on the basis of scientific excellence. Depending on the theme, projects are selected in one or two stages (pre-selection on the basis of a letter of intent, then evaluation on the basis of a complete dossier), according to the schedule drawn up with the Scientific Advisory Board.

Each application is assessed by at least two independent experts from outside the Foundation.


Based on the external experts' assessments, the thematic committees meet to select the winning projects.