The POC " Proof Of Concept " club

In 2017, the Foundation created its Club for the valorization of research: the POC "Proof Of Concept" Club, which links academic research teams with industrial partners.
This Club is a mechanism for promoting research outside of calls for proposals for the development of new treatments. It brings together industrialists wishing to strengthen their position in rare diseases.
Within this framework, the Foundation first selects sufficiently mature academic projects. It then presents them, with the agreement of the researchers and their development organization, to the industrial members of the Club. In the event of an expression of interest, it then organizes meetings between all the players under confidentiality agreements.
- Drug companies,
- Big, middle-sized biotechs
- Two sessions per year since 2017, when it was founded.
In 5 years of existence
- 85 projects presented to industry
- 70 connections made
- More than 80% of interest from industrialists
A business model confirmed from the first edition
An initial co-design partnership signed on April 6, 2018 between Lysogene and Satt Conectus on a POC carried by Dr. Hervé MOINE in the treatment of Fragile X syndrome has evolved into the signing in 2021 of an exclusive worldwide license agreement with Satt for the development and commercialization of a gene therapy drug candidate.
A constant evolution
In order to adapt to the needs of researchers and industrialists, the POC Club has adopted a new format (pitch webinars) that has been acclaimed by all participants.
A survey of its members in December 2020 revealed that the POC Club:
- Offers the possibility of selecting quality projects upstream thanks to its territorial reach
- Provides access to academic teams that are not necessarily known
- Helps to understand industry constraints and expectations.
Your contact : Christine Fetro
Regional Manager Rhône Alpes Auvergne, National Manager for the valorization of research and industrial partnerships (Club POC)