Within the framework of the Priority Research Program on Rare Diseases, Inserm and Aviesan are launching a Call for Expressions of Interest for the identification of project-teams (research and clinical) wishing to develop new tools or methodologies to reduce the diagnostic impasses of people suffering from rare diseases who do not benefit from a precise diagnosis.
This call is a first phase of non-selective identification. It will be followed by a consultation and exchange meeting with the applicants and then by a selective call for projects (AAP) with an international jury.
Submission of applications until June 15, 2020 (12:00).
At the end of the AMI, the AAP will be launched with the aim of financing research projects, led by consortia, for amounts of aid from 100 to 600 k€, over a period of 18 months to 3 years.
Consult the dedicated website by clicking here