July 6, 2020 | News

Registration is now open for the 5th TETECOU Day, on Friday, October 2 at the Imagine Institute (Paris)!

This annual meeting will continue to be a face-to-face event; if the health situation requires it, it may be conducted as an interactive webinar or in a mixed format (online broadcast).

To register before September 15 (free but required): https://forms.gle/f7p7B1HajeHHPyxa9

You will find the pre-programme : https://fondation-maladiesrares.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Journée-TETECOU-2020-Préprogramme_05-07-2020.pdf

Poster: Each Center, research team and Association is invited to present a "paper" poster of a general presentation, an initiative or a particular activity. The winners of the various calls for projects launched by the Network are also invited to present their experience (call for projects "Support to training") or their project (calls for projects "Training and information tools" and "Research impulse") in the form of a poster.

Contact: myriam.de-chalendar@aphp.fr
For regularly updated information : the Filière website
