On June 27th, the first edition of the e-health and rare diseases co-design workshops took place at the Paris Biotech Santé incubator and with the support of the Ircem Foundation. What is co-design? What did the project leaders and the experts who advised them remember about it?
Find out in 2 minutes how the day unfolded with a few testimonials to understand the process and its objectives.
The selected projects of the 2019 edition:
AI -DENT (Pr Agnès Bloch-Zupan, CRMR O-Rares, Strasbourg)
Artificial Intelligence Dental Expert New Tech System, a virtual expert to help in the diagnosis to fight against diagnostic erratic which remains major for rare diseases with oral expression and facilitate the referral to expert centers.
AnDD-e-rare (Pr David Geneviève, CRMR Developmental anomalies and malformative syndromes, AnDDI-Rares network, Montpellier)
Mobile application for patients with developmental anomalies and physicians (including primary care physicians) to facilitate follow-up and management.
QUALVI (Mrs. Sophie Bernichtein, Filière de santé BRAIN-TEAM, Paris)
Collaborative database for rare neurological diseases, collecting the natural history of the disease, the patient's experience and quality of life.
TELE-SLA (Dr Véronique Danel, ALS Center, Lille)
Implementation and evaluation of teleconsultations from home for patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis treated in HAH and the expert physician of the ALS reference center.
TUTOTEC'H (Mrs. Géraldine Merret, AFM Telethon, Evry and Bordeaux)
Library of validated tutorials on two themes: disability and chronic disabling disease, and accessible on the web.