Over the past three months, data enthusiasts, AI aficionados and healthcare innovators have joined hands to make a real difference in the diagnosis of rare oral diseases.
The D-IA-GNO-DENT Challenge, organized by the CHRU de Strasbourg - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, the Centre de Référence des Maladies Rares orales et dentaires , CRMR O-Rares, in partnership with theIGBMC(University of Strasbourg, CNRS- UMR7104, INSERM U1258), @CERBM-gie, the Fondation Maladies Rares, in collaboration with Trustii.io and Health Factory, aimed to develop AI solutions for the early detection of rare oral diseases.
These diseases often have an impact on several organs and can be identified by dental anomalies.
The D-IA-GNO-DENT challenge was hosted on the Trustii.io platform. Participants received a hosted Jupyter notebook and free GPU resources to develop their models.
The aim of the challenge was clear: to facilitate access to early detection of rare oral diseases for patients and healthcare professionals, and ultimately reduce the time taken to diagnose them.
🌟 the winners! 🌟
🥇 1st place: University of Strasbourg[Samer El Zant, Karim Tout, Elim Aliyev & Hanin Zaidan]
🥈 2nd place: European Institute for Systems Biology and Medicine
-EISBM[Albert Saporta, Pellet Johann & Bertrand De Meulder ]
🥉 3rd place: IQVIA[Jérôme Dauba & Koffi Cornelis]
We'd like to congratulate all the participants and partners who made this challenge such a resounding success.
🚀 Next steps
Winning solutions will be developed and integrated into real healthcare environments, bringing us one step closer to the diagnostic revolution in rare oral diseases.
Stay tuned for more updates on how these AI solutions will impact the lives of patients and healthcare professionals.
The D-IA-GNO-DENT project has received financial support from Bpifrance as part of the digital health acceleration strategy of the Délégation ministérielle à la santé numérique (DNS) and the Secrétariat général pour l'investissement (SGPI), as well as support from the Health Data Hub (HDH).
Once again, we'd like to express our gratitude to everyone involved in the D-IA-GNO-DENT challenge. Your dedication to advancing healthcare through innovation is truly inspiring.
For more details on the results of the challenge, including the source code of the winning models, check out Trustii.io 's Github repository at, please visit Github: https: //github.com/Trustii-team/Diagnodent