[AAP] Medical Research Foundation
The Foundation for Medical Research is launching 3 Calls for Projects : 1) : the 2020 Environment and Health Call for Projects (Pre-application opening on 22...
Diagonale des fous: 13 runners in the Foundation's colors
BRAVO - The 13 runners of the Rare Diseases Foundation "Million Steps 3070" team have crossed the finish line of the Diagonale des fous! They are...
Video - e-health and rare diseases co-design workshop
On June 27, the first edition of the e-health and rare diseases co-design workshops took place at the Paris Biotech Santé incubator...
Videos - Scientific Symposium "Advancing Research in Rare Diseases
The Rare Diseases Foundation organized a scientific symposium "The Advancement of Research in Rare Diseases" on May 7, 2019 at the Collège de...
Rennes: Regional Rare Disease Day
As part of the PRS objectives for the theme "Ensuring equal access to genetic diagnosis and improving the pathway for patients with...
Operation "Red Pieces" of the Kiwanis Var Ouest
The second edition of the Kiwanis Var Ouest operation "Pièces rouges" ended on September 13th with the delivery of a 4200€ check...
Results of the AMI organized by the Foundation, SATT Toulouse and SATT AXLR
Six projects have been selected Among them, several aim at developing new gene therapies. These include innovative strategies in the...
European Researchers' Night: Céline Lancelot presents her SHS project on Turner Syndrome
Impelled by the European Commission in 2005, the European Researchers' Night is a privileged occasion for scientists to talk about their work.
RARE Meetings: program and registration
Discover the program of the RARE Meetings, a privileged place of exchanges, information and discussions which will take place in Paris, at the Cité des...
DIU Rare Diseases, from research to treatment - 2019/2020
The 2019-2020 session of the IVDU "Rare Diseases: from research to treatment" is open. The training will provide cross-disciplinary knowledge...
LIVE - WEB EMISSION: Artificial intelligence and rare diseases
Find the replay of the Foundation's webcast "Artificial intelligence and rare diseases" by clicking here.
AAP of the APEHDia association
The association Pour Encourager la Recherche sur la Hernie Diaphragmatique, APEHDia launches its first call for research projects to support the development of...