European Researchers' Night: Céline Lancelot presents her SHS project on Turner Syndrome

September 26, 2019 | News

Initiated by the European Commission in 2005, the European Researchers' Night is a privileged opportunity for scientists to talk about their astonishing profession with its multiple realities. During an evening, citizens rub shoulders with researchers to better understand their world and a particular culture: scientific culture.

The project "Retentissement des capacités de cognition sociale et de cognition affective sur les difficultés relationnelles et d'adaptation sociale des adolescentes atteintes du syndrome de Turner" (CAST), led by Ms. Céline Lancelot, teacher-researcher in Neuropsychology (Laboratoire de Psychologie des Pays de la Loire, EA 4638, University of Angers) will be honored during the Nuit Européenne des Chercheur.e.s, on September 27, 2019 in Angers. The CAST project is the winner of the 2018 call for projects in Human and Social Sciences of the Rare Diseases Foundation.
Through an investigation, the audience of the Researchers' Night will discover the ins and outs of this fascinating research, so useful and hopeful for patients and research.

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