Inter-regional scientific symposium West
The Rare Diseases Foundation organizes in association with the Groupement de Coopération Sanitaire des Hôpitaux Universitaires du Grand Ouest (GCS...
March 18 - Hypergrowth Syndrome Webinar
The association "Section Française de Chirurgie Plastique Pédiatrique de l'Enfant" organizes a digital conference on the syndromes...
Webinar 'Drug Repositioning and Public Private Partnership
On April 6, 2021, a webinar 'Drug Repositioning and Public-Private Partnerships: Such a Long Way to the Patient?
Charity event - Trainhard
We warmly thank all the e-gamers who participated in the charity event organized by Trainhard Esport on Twich. This event was...
Call for proposals: the Ring 14 or chromosome 14 related syndromes
Ring14 International yearly solicit international research projects focused on the Ring 14 or chromosome 14 related syndromes. The projects can be...
First edition of call for proposals - Angelini for Future 2021
Angelini Pharma is an international group, leader in health care and well-being, committed to help patients, doctors and caregivers in the fight...
Conference: Rare 2030
The Rare 2030 conference was held online on February 23, 2021, co-organized by European Parliament members Frédérique Ries (Belgium) and...
Online Conference - 24 Hours of Rare
This is a virtual event that will take place from February 27 to March 5, 2021, celebrating the global rare disease community with content...
Press conference for the JIMR
Tuesday, February 16 at 9:30 a.m. - Press videoconference "Rare diseases and COVID19: an effective French model" COVID19 is a "double punishment"...
Hypergrowth syndromes: webinar on March 18
March 18, 2021, SFCPP is hosting a digital conference on hypergrowth syndromes in children on March 18, 2021 in partnership with the...
Prof. Daniel Scherman, elected Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pharmacy
Prof. Daniel Scherman, Director of the Foundation For Rare Diseases, has been elected Corresponding Member of the French National Academy of Pharmacy, for his...
Les Cahiers d'Orphanet - Living with a rare disease in France
Les Cahiers d'Orphanet, Health Policy Series, December 2020 Living with a rare disease in France - Aids and benefits