The Fondation Maladies Rares, the Plateforme territoriale Lorraine Affections Rares (LARA) and the CHRU de Nancy are pleased to invite you to the Colloque Scientifique Recherche Maladies Rares 2024!
Co-organized by the Fondation Maladies Rares, the Plateforme territoriale Lorraine Affections Rares (LARA) and the CHRU de Nancy, the Colloque Scientifique Recherche Maladies Rares will be held on Friday, March 15, 2024 at the Gabriel Faivre amphitheater, ILCV Louis Mathieu, CHRU de Nancy - Brabois. This will be a unique opportunity to meet regional players in the field of rare diseases, to discuss research, therapies, innovation and human and social sciences.
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