New call for projects "GenOmics: high throughput sequencing & rare diseases
[The Rare Diseases Foundation launches its new call for projects "GenOmics: high throughput sequencing" and supports a key step in the development of...
Third call for projects "High-throughput screening of therapeutic molecules & rare diseases
[The Rare Diseases Foundation is launching its 3rd call for "high throughput screening" projects and is supporting a key step in the development of...
EUROPEAN FUNDING: Focus on rare diseases
[:fr]In Montpellier, Espace Capdeville from 2pm[:]
In the footsteps of So: a solidarity walk in Normandy for the benefit of the Rare Disease Foundation
[The association Sur les Pas de So organizes for its 1st edition a solidarity walk in Normandy for the benefit of the Rare Diseases Foundation: "...
Caen University Hospital: International Rare Disease Day
[:fr]The Rare Diseases Foundation participates in the International Rare Disease Day organized by the University Hospital of Caen: "Rare Diseases......
9th International Rare Disease Day
Today is the 9th International Rare Disease Day in over 80 countries around the world.
Pre-selection committee for the AMI of the SATTs of Ile-de-France (SATT IDF INNOV, SATT LUTECH and SATT PARIS-SACLAY)
On February 4, the Rare Diseases Foundation participated in the pre-selection committee for the Call for Expressions of Interest "Valorizing...
Rare Disease Day - CHU of Rouen
[:en]The Rare Diseases Foundation is participating in the Rare Diseases Day organized by the Rouen University Hospital, on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 from 2:00 to 6:00 pm,...
3rd National Plan for Rare Diseases - Co-construction is now!
[:en]On the occasion of the Press Conference for the 9th International Rare Diseases Day, the Rare Diseases Platform launches an Appeal...
Series of lectures at the Collège de France: "Genetic diseases as seen in cinema or theater
[The Chair of Human Genetics of the Collège de France proposes several major events on the theme "Genetic diseases as seen by the cinema...
The Rare Disease Day 2016
2016 marks the ninth year that the international rare disease community celebrates Rare Disease Day.
The Rare Disease Foundation was pleased to welcome its partner LABOCAST
[:fr]The whole team of the Rare Diseases Foundation had the pleasure to receive, during its seminar in Lille at the end of January, its partner LABOCAST...