Groupama Foundation - Innovation Award 2021
On July 1, 2020, the Groupama Foundation is launching its new call for projects for its "Social Innovation Award 2021". The deadline for submission is...
Webinar Biotech Finances June 29: Daniel Scherman, Director of the Foundation
During a BiotechFinances webinar, Daniel Scherman, director of the Rare Diseases Foundation and Franck Mouthon, president of France Biotech,...
2 days to go for our online scientific symposium
Our annual scientific symposium "Issues and Challenges in Rare Disease Research. Understanding to develop treatments" will take place...
Survey on expenses not covered by health insurance
As part of a study of patients and their families on expenses not covered by health insurance, the firm CEMKA...
Call for expressions of interest (AMI) Rare Diseases: Solving diagnostic impasses
Within the framework of the Priority Research Program on Rare Diseases, Inserm and Aviesan are launching a Call for Expressions of Interest for...
Conference " DYRK1A, related kinases & human disease
The second edition of this meeting is scheduled from March 23 to 27, 2021, at the Palais du Grand Large in Saint-Malo. You will find more information on the...
Call for projects of the French Association of Glycogenoses (AFG)
The French Glycogenesis Association will fund one or more projects to support preclinical and clinical research, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Rare Diseases Research Challenges Call for proposals - EJPRD
The French Foundation for Rare Diseases, partner of the European Joint Programme for Rare Diseases EJPRD, is pleased to announce the launch of the...
The Foundation's online scientific symposium
On June 24, 2020, join the Rare Diseases Foundation's online scientific symposium "Issues and challenges of research in rare diseases"...
New dates : e-Health & rare diseases 2020 co-design workshop
If you have an idea for an e-health and rare disease project, if you would like advice on how to move forward, you can apply for the 2020 session...
Call for projects "Identification of molecules with therapeutic potential for rare diseases
The Rare Diseases Foundation launches its call for research projects 'Identification of molecules with therapeutic potential for rare diseases'....
Call for expressions of interest (AMI) Rare Diseases: Solving diagnostic impasses
Within the framework of the Priority Research Program on Rare Diseases, Inserm and Aviesan are launching a Call for Expressions of Interest for...