
Appointment for the Telethon

We invite you to join us tonight at 6:3:45 pm on A2 for the Top Start of this 35th edition of the Telethon, which marks the reunion with...

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SRA's 2022 call for projects

The Association des Sclérodermiques de France, created in 1989, is composed of scleroderma patients, their spouses, their families,...

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Let's support the Telethon 21 together

As Soprano, the sponsor of the 2021 Telethon, says: "At Genethon, I saw the result of the "We're going to fight, we're not going to give up", which gave me a real kick...

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Operation "Chefs' Dishes

The operation " Vaisselle des Chefs ", a sale to the benefit of the Foundation For Rare Diseases takes place this year at the Hotel de Ville de Lyon !

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