AMI "Valorizing in rare diseases
SATT Sud-Est and the Rare Diseases Foundation are launching a call for expressions of interest "Valorizing in rare diseases".
Call for HUGO projects - Rare Disease Foundation
The Foundation for Rare Diseases and the Groupement de Coopération Sanitaire HUGO (GCS HUGO) are pleased to announce the launch of the call for...
The Telethon of December 2 and 3, 2016
For 30 years, the Telethon has been a unique audiovisual adventure from which emanates a great popular solidarity.
9th call for European projects of the ANR
In the framework of the ERA-Net E-Rare-3, the French National Research Agency (ANR) will launch, in collaboration with 18 countries, the 9th call for projects on "The...
The Marseille-Cassis race in the Foundation's colors
The IRCEM Corporate Foundation & the Rare Diseases Foundation
1st OSCAR Translational Research Forum
OSCAR, the bone-calcium-cartilage rare disease health network, is organizing the 1st Translational Research forum on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at...
The Humanities and Social Sciences Conference
The Rare Diseases Foundation organized its first symposium in Humanities and Social Sciences.
Mr. Delevoye's view of the Foundation and rare diseases
A call for H2020 projects
A call for H2020 projects on the diagnostic characterization of rare diseases.
The Matinales
The first edition of the Rare Disease Foundation's Matinales took place on October 13, 2016 on the theme "Rare diseases: what to do to find...
3rd AAP for RHU labeling
This call for projects pursues the objectives of the university hospital research action in health. It aims to fund research projects in the field of...