ITW Foundation: Inverted clitocybe, a fungus to treat mucovicidosis
Fabrice Lejeune, winner of the call for screening projects from the Rare Disease Foundation, presents his innovative research project to treat...
Video : Disability and Rare Diseases
Going to school with a rare disease or a rare disability This video was produced by the CNSA in collaboration with the DGESCO, the rare disease networks and the...
Ms. Gaëlle Dombu Smeets, new Western Regional Manager
The Foundation is pleased to welcome its new Regional Manager for the West: Ms. Gaëlle Dombu Smeets. To discover her background, click here...
General States of Intellectual Disability
The Etats Généraux de la Déficience Intellectuelle will take place at Unesco on January 11 and 12, 2018. This project is a continuation of the...
New AAP Chemistry for Medicine 2018 - Fondation pour la recherche médicale
The Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale is launching a new call for projects to support interdisciplinary research in the field of health...
AMI "rare diseases
SATT Ouest Valorisation and the Rare Diseases Foundation have joined forces to promote the emergence and development of new technologies in the Brittany and Pays de Loire regions.
A call for change to improve access to medicines
EURORDIS and more than 700 member organizations have just issued a new position paper calling for urgent change to ensure that the...
The winners of the Foundation's call for SHS projects
The Rare Disease Foundation is pleased to announce the results of its call for projects in "Human and Social Sciences". This is the Foundation's...
A promising discovery for rare diseases
Fabrice Lejeune, researcher at the UMR 8161 M3T Mechanisms of Tumorigenesis and Target Therapies laboratory (University of Lille, CNRS and...
Speech by Minister Agnès Buzyn at the 2017 Rare Meetings
Mrs. Agnès Buzyn, Minister of Solidarity and Health, spoke at the 5th Rare Disease Meeting on Monday, November 20...
Speech by Minister Frédérique Vidal at the 2017 Rare Meetings
Mrs. Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, spoke at the 5th Rencontres des...
The Rare Meetings 2017
We would like to thank the Minister of Solidarity and Health, Agnes Buzyn, and the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation for their support...